Sunday, March 29, 2009

Broadway Billiards, Santa Ana

Anonymous writes in reference to a comment posted on my earlier article on the Saddleback Inn, regarding old pool halls...

I saw a reference in one comment about Broadway Billiards. Originally this "joint" was further north on Broadway nearer to the Broadway theatre. It's complete name was "Adam the Hat's Broadway Billiards". I used to hang out there when I was in high school (between 1964-1966. Adam wouldn't let me play the tables because he felt I was too young. But I spent a small fortune playing pinball! This was truly an old school billiard parlor; very colorful. We also hung out at the drum shop which was nest to the Broadway theatre. West Coast Drum shop still exists today but is located at South Coast Village.
During my college years, my friend Greg and I would ride our motorcycles to Linbrook Family Billiards in Anaheim, on the corner of Brookhurst and Lincoln. Read my earlier article about it, "Linbrook Family Billiards"


  1. I remember the Broadway being on the east side of Broadway, and you walked down a flight of stairs into the room. Adam would be at the counter on the left side. Being from New York, this hall was the closest
    in atmosphere to a east coast pool hall in Orange County. Without a doubt, it was the "Hard Times" of Orange County back then. I was the kid shooting 14.1, while most of the others were hustling 9-ball. I bought a custom cue from Vern Peterson there in the early 1960's.

    I think "Fat Tommy" took over the Broadway when Adam went to a hall in Long Beach; the Mayfair, if my memory is correct.

    After some time, the Broadway moved to the west side of Broadway on street level. The ambiance was gone.

  2. Do you have any old pictures 1920'2-1960's of the billard building 255 n. broadway that you can share?

  3. Broadway Billiards will forever close it doors on March 22, 2010 after more than 80 years in the business. The place is forced to close due to a building change in ownership. It would be a great idea to visit and share some memories and even take some pictures before then. Ask for Joe O'Campo (currrent owner of Broadway Billiards) or Oscar (the bratender). Unfortunately, the number to B.B. has already been canceled, so you need to go in person to appreciate. Place is open after 3PM.

    address: 225 1/2 N. Broadway, Santa Ana CA 92701

  4. Adam taught me to play pool in the original Broadway Billiards in the basement next to the Broadway theater. We spent many an afternoon down there and always felt that we were part of some thing special. Occasionally some big names would come to play various tournaments. Great memories.

  5. The first time I went to Broadway Billiards (1957) it was on the west side of Broadway between 3rd and 4th street. It was downstairs from a furrier store and next to an old post office. At that time it was owned by Rex and Marie Bell, they later sold it to Leon Furon who then sold it to Adam "the hat". It was moved across the street, then sold to Tom Miller who sold it to the last owner Joe O'Campo. I worked there briefly in the late "50's.
    Pete Folsom


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