Bill Beeman, one of the original members of the WagonMasters, submits the following e-mail about a couple of old films about Knott's Berry Farm...
Steve,Contact Billy at the e-mail address above, or "post a comment" below if know anything about these films.
November 29, 2006
In the late fifties there were two made for TV films about Knotts Berry Farm by Bill Burred Productions. "A FAMILY BUILDS A MOUNTAIN," about the Gold Mine Ride and "COME AND GET IT," about The Chicken Dinner Dining Room and Momma Knott's kitchen. The films were in black and white. They were aired several times on Los Angeles Stations and were later made available from Knotts in 16 mm sound for loan to Schools and various organizations. Background music for "A FAMILY BUILDS A MOUNTAIN" was performed by, Billy Beeman and Harvey Walker. I had a copy of the film that I showed in a number of Garden Grove Schools while I was teaching there in the 1960s. I do not know what happened to the films after the passing of Walter Knott. If anyone knows whether or not a print of "A FAMILY BUILDS A MOUNTAIN" is still around, please contact me,
Billy Beeman