An anonymous OCThen reader asks if anyone can share some information on what happened to Wayne's Steakhouse in Orange...
Many many years ago, when I first came to Orange County from Ohio, being a real tenderfoot (18 yrs old), my very first job was waitressing at Wayne's Steakhouse in the city of Orange. I stayed there for a year then moved out of the area. I have always wondered what became of the place. Anyone have any information as to when the business closed or what happened to the owners? Just curious. I had some good times there.If you have anything to share, click on "Post a Comment" below.
Our family owned and operated Joe's Steak House on the corner of Sycamore and Glassell Streets in the late 40s and early 50s. I wonder if the writer meant Joe's Steak House (originally Joe's Malt Shop) instead of Wayne's. The writer did not indicate a time period.