Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Postcards From Anaheim

Postcards from AnaheimIf you're one of those rare breeds that loves old postcards of Anaheim motels, you're in luck. There's a book just for you.

"Postcards from Anaheim" celebrates the five years of the blog, "Synthetrix - Photos of the Forgotten", and devotes itself to vintage Anaheim motel postcards. It contains 96 pages of the Googie glory that once surrounded the Disneyland theme park.

Here's a blurb from the author, "Synthetrix"...

Greetings Orange County lovers!

Some of you might have visted my website "Photos Of The Forgotten" and seen all the great old postcard images of all the motels and hotels that once surrounded the magic kingdom. In honor of the site's 5 th anniversay this year, I have created a 94 page book of all these images. If you ever vistied Disneyland between 1955 and 1985, you'll see a lot of familiar places, like the famous INN OF TOMORROW, THE SPACE AGE, EDEN ROC, and many, many more. This book is also popular with folks who lived in or grew up in Anaheim or there abouts. Check out the link below for info on how to order. It's available in either soft or hard covered editions. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Buy the book online here...

If you're looking for photos of other Orange County cities, or SoCal cities, check out Synthetrix's blog for more photos...


  1. Thanks for sharing this book. I am going to purchase it for my Husband.

  2. I would like to do a second edition in the coming year.

  3. Lol, OMG, I lived in two of those Motels when I was little. 2nd one on top row and 2nd one on bottem row.

  4. Synthetrix I recently purchased a postcard of the Tampico Motel in Anaheim off of eBay. If you ever chose to do another book I would love to contribute (if you don't already have it yourself).


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