An anonymous OCThen reader asks about what happened to Crescent Junior High School in Buena Park...
Does anyone remember Crescent Jr. High and where did it go?? I went there in 62-63, then to Kennedy High class of 66. I have lived in Michigan and Northern California and now in the foothills of the Sierras above Fresno..but each time I go into BP..I am always at a loss as to where that funky styled jr. high went.I did a quick Google search and came up empty. If you know something about it, or attended the school, post a comment here.
Crescent Junior High School closed down I believe around early 1980's and the land now is all houses. My brothers went there in the 70's.
ReplyDeleteprop 13 is why it was closed.
DeleteI graduated from Crescent in 1969. It was closed in the late 1970s due to low enrollment, torn down and Ponderosa Homes built a development there. I ended up buying a house there in the first phase in 1983 and a few years later when we put in a pool, we dug a piece of one of the buildings.
ReplyDeleteI moved to anaheim in 1967 from utah, and attended crescent jr high for one year, and then moved away...was disapointed years later when returned on vacation with my family to find it's good to get this info...thankyou
ReplyDeleteI'm SO happy to find this posting... I have been wondering what in the world happened to our wonderful junior high school! I attended 7th & 8th grades there 1964-1966 and remember helping with a "time capsule" that was buried in the court yard area. We enclosed all kinds of memorabilia... Beatles, Beach Boys, 45rpm records, coins, pictures, our signatures, etc. I think it was "supposed" to remain buried until the year 2000... wonder who got all that loot?? ;) Gosh... remember those wonderful hot rolls we bought for 10cents a piece?? I have many fond memories of C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T... GOOoooo Crusaders!! Thank you for all your postings :)))
ReplyDeleteI was in the last graduating class in 1979. As for the time capsule I have also wondered what ever became of it.
ReplyDeleteI was in the last graduating class of Crescent, 1979. The district decided to make the high schools 4 year, and close a few jr highs starting the following school year. Crescent, Trident, La Palma, Apollo were closed. Crescent was unfortunately demolished and a housing tract was built in its place. The school was located on Crescent Ave. Between Dale and Stanton. Too many good memories, and too much time has passed. Go Crusaders
ReplyDeleteMy two older brothers and my sister and i graduated from Crescent . Crescent and Apollo Jr. High were both torn down , i believe in the early 80's . They turned the 3 year High Schools into 4 year High Schools . I own a condo where Apollo Jr. High once stood .
ReplyDeleteI attended Crescent from 1970 to 1973. A great junior high. Very
ReplyDeletebig. Now all homes.Now even the
Burger King that was tucked into
the west of where the school was
is know gone. I lived in the Planetary track of homes and attended Oro Grande grade school.
Those were the days. 1979 0r 1980
is when they tore it down.
My older brother and I removed
the deep red marque letters from
the board they had out in front of the school. I had to have something from that school as a souvenir. Wayne W.
I attended Crescent Junior High in 1964-65 after graduating from Walter Knott Elementary. I remember walking to school "through" Knott's Berry Farm. Remember the marching music played on loud speakers between classes (rather than bells)?
ReplyDeleteI attended Crescent from '63 to '66 and then off to Savanna HS. I live in North San Diego County now. My wife hired a new horse-shoer and we got to talkin' and low and behold, he was there the same time I was. Small world. It got us talkin' about Mr. McCarty (wood shop), Mr. Gunderson (music), Mr. Shelco (science /tennis coach) and a bunch of others. I remember each morning during flag raising, a bugle tune was played after someone from the JRROTC spoke through the PA system, "Attention The Colors". Just for the record, they did the same thing to Oro Grande Grade School a block away. Bulldozed it and built houses. Time and tide wait for no man.
ReplyDeleteAlong with Crescent Jr. High School, La Palma Jr. High located in Buena Park off of La Palma was closed in 1979 and is now Gilbert West (Continuation School).
ReplyDeleteGo Patriots!!!
Well here is a sight for eyes that always did wonder what ever happened to Crescent Jr. High? I went there from 1970 - 73 and the memories were all good. I was in band Marching and Concert, I remember Mr. Beardin and many other teachers as well. who rembers Mr.Ratcliff(History)and Mr.Ardoin(Science)Mr. Proctor the Assistant Principal.How about the sudent store actually it was a shack remember and we would get those 'suicide' drinks and those little cheese pizzas that were wrapped in saran wrap and hardly warm?How about the assemblies like the POW/MIA in 1971 or 1972 when we were allowed to purchase those bracelets with the servicemans name and such?For all you ex-band members.. remember marching in the neighborhoods for practice before parades we would attend like Silverado Days and the Anaheim Band Spectacular at Anaheim Stadium?I myself grew up in the FLOWER streets off of Dale Street and La Palma Avenue,when there were lots of Orange Groves and Strawberry Fields.Like to see if any former Crescent Crusaders who attended Glen H.Dysinger elementary remember walking to schools through those fields.Sincerely B.Charles von Olinger
ReplyDeleteWOW! Memory lane here! I was there '69-72. Also lived in the flower tract on Coral Bell Way, and went to Dysinger. -Yep, I remember it all! - strawberry fields, orange groves, Mr Proctor, Mr Beardin, and who could ever forget Mr Radcliff! Did you have the "Find the place ditto"? It was geography class. - AND walked to school everyday- before backpacks!-
DeleteSad when it was torn down, but great memories!
Great. Memories of flower track. Carol. And. Gunther.
DeleteThis is for Wayne,who lived in the Planetary Tract. I have so many memories of the sounds of Crescent starting up in the morning,but,until now, I had completely forgotten about the bugle blowing in the morning,and the band marching through the streets in that tract. My Grandparents were well known in that neighborhood,and lived on Mercury Drive,3rd house from the corner,on the left. Remember the McGuires? lol. And speaking of Oro Grande. Wow, I used to sit in the field there,every summer,while my parents went out of town to celebrate their wedding anniversary,and we'd stay with my grandparents for a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteEvery summer,Oro Grande had the summer school program,and I would hang out at Oro Grande playing the various table games they would lay out on the black top at the end of each row of classrooms. Remember that,Wayne. Even though I attended La Palma Jr.High and Western High later, I always loved that neighborhood.
Oh, almost forgot. Does anyone remember the various businesses lined up along Stanton Ave.,near the Grocery Union Building? The Burger King is gone after a gunman opened fire on the employees,at night,and killed a young girl working the registers. They finally demolished the site a few months ago.Most of the small motels are now gone,and have been replaced by a senior complex,and even the Tower Records and the othe building that used to be home to The Akron, are all gone. Do you guys remember The Akron? I loved that store.It was next door to Tower Records,on the corner of Beach and Lincoln. All leveled now.
ReplyDeleteDO you remember the soda shop that was next to BK...?
DeleteHad every typ of soda one could imagine
I am sure that over the years all of Buena Park has changed!I seem to remember the Planetary tracts of which you speak.I also remember going to the Oro Grande school during the summer to play games and such... wasn't the planetary tract behind the Buena Park Mall?Do you remember thew Van de Kamps retaurant with the windmill?The Retail clerks union hall?Tower records?Charles von Olinger Crescent jr.high. class of 1973
ReplyDeleteI definitely remember Crescent (went there '63-'65). I pass by the location everyday now on my way to work. Sad that it's gone. Retail is still there though. I remember all the after-school fights happened in the back parking lot of Retail. If you "chose off" somebody it was "be at Retails after school."
ReplyDeleteAs far as teachers, I remember Mr. Cordell (geography, I think), Mr. Hubert (English), Coaches Shelko, Meiss, and Panter. Wasn't there a teacher that had frequent meltdowns in class and ended up committing suicide (maybe an urban myth)? I loved that school. my most memorable years were spent there.
I just came across this commentary... attended Crescent '64-'66 then went on to Savanna. Also had Mr. Cordill (geography) and Mr. Shelko (science) and am still in e-mail contact with both of them. Mr. Cordill went on to Savanna as well... and I took classes from him again there. Don't know about any suicidal teacher. "S"
DeleteI would love for you to check out my Crescent page as there are almost 600 members from all years..
for the teacher who had the meltdowns, that would have been the drafting class teacher, i can't remember his name off hand, but i was in class when he haad his final meltdown and a student went to the office and got a vice principle, while they called for an ambulance, i remember having to sit outside along the building while the school principle and vice were there in the classroom, don't remember about the suicide.
DeleteCrescent Junior High...circa 1977 Good memories.
ReplyDeleteWalking to school from the planet tract. Mr Ness, Mr Radcliffe (kinda weird) Miss Spaulding (all of us boys liked her class) Mr Ashford (shop class & kinda crazy) Mr Sewell. Burger King for lunch and Tower Records after school to buy 45's for sixty-nine cents. I remember all the cheerleaders and the Shields (spirit squad) I remember after PE you could buy a ZEMI (frozen drink,everybody liked)
Amazing, I was looking for a hamburger stand I used to work at by the name of "Heinz Hamburger". Then I stumble on to Crescent junior High school which I attended.I attended in 62&63. Then on to Walker and Savanna. There was another great teacher by the name of Mr Di Carlo. I think that we can all agree Orange county was a great place to grow up. It was fun to read everyone's comments.
ReplyDeleteI was bused to Walker Jr high while Crescent was being built then went to Crescent...then to Savanna High till '66 I had Miss Smith for French and Mr Di Carlo for history...I was in Miss Brooks Class when President Kinnedy was assasinated... never forget that day...Well, needless to say...Crescent was torn down and Walker is still standing...I loved Orange County at that freeways yet...Knott's was free to get into and so much fun...Disneyland's best tickets were E tickets...ahhh those were the days...Thanks for the Memories...
DeleteWell this has been so much fun..reading all of your comments..since I am the one that started this little blog. You have all brought back so many memories for me.
ReplyDeleteI had forgotten all about the music between classes. Since I went there the first year it was open, I remember walking thru the mud and no facility yet for P.E...we had to jump rope for exercise. My favorite teacher there was Mr. Di Carlo, had him both years for History and Geography. Never had another teacher who put more of himself into teaching.
I sure remember Retail..saw the Beach Boys there when they were just starting out..and always Eddie and the Showmen.
I remember how fun it was to go to Knotts every day of the summer before 66 when they fenced it in..we would always go meet boys there. Inside the covered wagon show was the best place to get a first kiss from your boyfriend. I remember Sambos on the corner nearby when they still had Sambos and the Van De Kamps with the Windmill. Lots of good memories..keep them coming people!
The memories just keep piling up for all of us? but i seem to remember a pup and taco but at my age (50) i don't remember where it was? Zono burgers on beach blvd was a favorite of my family's on a friday nite! just a stone's throw from van de kamps and bob's big boy restaurant. happy holiday's charles von olinger
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh too fun looking at these comments. I also went to Knott Elementary, then Crescent, one year at Savanna then to Magnolia. So many fond memories. I remember all those stores, remember Zodies? It was across the street from Akron. I too remember the band playing. I also remember a fun Spanish teacher that was married to a History teacher I think his name was Tom last name started with an F but can not remember it. I moved from California about 20 years ago but still go back to visit. Amazing how much has changed! I went to Crescent 1975 and 1976. I remember always hanging out at Burger King. Thanks for all the fun memories!
ReplyDeleteMr. Fredheim taught history; I went to Crescent Jr. High from 72-74. I also had Mr. Radcliffe for geography,Miss Sandoval for spanish, Mr. Ardoin & Mr. Lewis for beg.& intermediate Science, Mendick & Nolan for P.E., Mr. Smith for drafting and Mr. McMillan for woodshop. I remember going on the Sealab Ship out of Dana Point Harbor for a science field-trip and getting seasick! Remember Mr. Hoffman the librarian?
ReplyDeleteI attendeed Crescent when it opened......great memories there..Steven G.
ReplyDeleteAnybody remember Gary Bushong, Bill Soules, Joe Wyckstandt???
ReplyDeleteSteven G
I remember cresent jr high went there from 67 thru 69, when ever it rained the front of the school would flood, in 68 independence hall opened up at knotts and manny classes went on a field trip over there. James Q ran the student store. Mr, Dunn was everyones favorite teacher, and the bread rolls were only a nickel. Biggest fight was dave eastman and lorance dizon - yes behind retail building.
ReplyDeleteGreat School, many fond memories. Go Crusaders! If time stood still, I would love to be standing at the lockers across from Mrs. Spaulding's classroom.
wow, havent heard those names in years!! am barbara mac intyre, my sisters are dee dee and janet and littleist sis was susan....we lived in the presidents neighborhood....anyone know where billy and becky whittaker are? or mike kimball, johnny ivan, pasty fornesin, scott bustamonte, jerry baranowski?? sooo many people we all knew and where are they all now......i am redd1159@yahoo, in oklahoma city now , for 35 years or to me crusaders!! barbie....
DeleteDo you remember Essex Merriam.
DeleteHey everyone......
ReplyDeleteI'm from the last graduating class of Crescent Jr. High. Graduated in 1979 and remember so much. The pancake breakfast where our cheerleaders and songleaders rocked out to Boston. The 9th grade dance and slow dancing to Led Zepp's " Stairway To Heaven ". Getting extra credit when we disected a live frog in Mr. Lewis's science class. Mr. Stockton's history class ( what a great teacher ) very cool back then. Would love to catch up with anyone from the last graduating class of Crescent Jr. High....77-79if any of you are still around.
Snapped a couple of pictures of La Palma Jr High (Gilbert High School). See and search La Palma Jr High
ReplyDeletedavid, mike and rocky there probably all in jail or just getting released, these were the people who made school miserable.
ReplyDeleteCarol Maxey was the best looking gal at the school.
i grew up with janet earl and family, i am barbie mac intyre, we all lived in the pridents neighborhood, janet earl was and is a beautiful person, as are my sisters....i still remember the live rock bands in our garage, the dea watching our house, bugging our home phone and the look on my moms face when she would come home to a housefull of harleys in the yard and the live music from our garage....she was cool then and everyone wanted to be at our house, like chubby daddy , remember him any one?? and milton? know mike rawls is doing good and retired in indiana and janet earl was doing great last time i talked to her........lady macintyre is my mom, she is here in oklahoma also....dee dee ,sadly, is gone, she died in 1999.....she has one daughter and 4 grandkids.....janet mac intyre is in santa rosa beach fla and has 2 kids, sue is in norman oklahoma and has 2 kids, i have 1 sooo dam happy i found this blog, was wondering what happened to everyone!! barbie
DeleteSo true. Got our. Laughs from those. Guys. and Janet Earle Kathy king Vicki berry thumbed to. Huntington. Every day in summer. You could back. Then iif one. Of us. Got. Bad. Vibe from the. Ride. our code. Was ooh Ga boogum. it was. S song back then.
DeleteGreetings Crusaders, I graduated from Crescent Jr. High 1972. I attended G.H. Dysinger Elementary School, before Crescent, and Western HS after. I still have relatives in the Flower & Planetary tracts. Anybody remember when Crescent Ave. was referred to as "Crescent Lake" until the storm drain were installed. Miss Stanley retired the year before I attended Crescent. Her reputation of measuring the girls' skirts with a ruler preceded her - no more than 3" above the knee or you were sent home. My roster of teachers included, Misters: Ness, Ardoin, Van Zandt, Anderson,Beckett,Dunn, Kennedy, Radcliffe; Mrs/Ms: Petty, Spaulding (yes, the boys really liked her class), Emmes, Hutcheson, Kelly. Does anyone remember the Kramp & Hennessey families? Here is to many fond memories of Jr. High. Go Crusaders/maroon & silver
ReplyDeleteI remember a Steve Kramp well was one of My friends.
DeleteI remember watching those old hitler/ german movies in kennedys history class ,kennedy had that way of holding his coffee cup from the teachers lounge to his classroom next to the bike racks, then that one mr. smith? drafting/woodshop the guys would push his buttons and he would lose it ive seen him slam that heavy door in woodshop BAAM (he needed meds).at the end of p.e. some guy would get his pants pulled down in front of the girls while we were waiting for the bell to ring on the east side of the gym Radcliff (good ship lollypop) he was out of touch , Hoffman the librarian (looked like he got high) had a bike race on the track with some kid our age. made chessboards in woodshop and bongs too, and a guy got his finger shaved off in the jointer(blood trail to the nurses office) I miss the 70s (best music ever)
ReplyDeleteit was a thumb. his name was greg wade. we spent a lot of time using the bongs. oh the memories!
DeleteHello Crusaders!
ReplyDeleteThis website is a groove! I think Italian Lady may relate to some of these people mentioned here...
I love and remember Mrs. Kane to ths day....I remember watching Bob Brown make an astounding 20 flips on the trampoline or something crazy like that. Loved going to all of the after school dances - I remember winning a dance contest one time. Still in touch with Carol Maxey and Bobbie Schreiber - They look the same and adorable as ever.(Bobbie has been married to Dick Ortega for 88 years now and Carol has been married forever as well) Last time I saw Janet Earl she was with Susan Seager years ago and love that Cathy MacIntosh and what a beautiful person she always was. Anyone remember Don Mariner? Rest in peace. We lost him way too soon..I still miss him to this day..Michael and Bonnie Imperiali have been married forever and ever with all of their kids (5). They are grandparents now as so are most of us. I haven't heard of Rocky Zapata's whereabouts but I think he married Janie Samargis many years ago? Anybody seen Phyllis Samargis? Janie and Phyllis pierced my ears way back when!!! Anyway, I love the flower track people..Please don't talk bad about Rocky Zapata..he was like my brother and one of the coolest guys anywhere...Anybody remember Debi Carr??? She was so adorable and Mrs. Kane (again my favorite teacher) always sent Debi home after she was screaming too much at the pep rallies and football games and ALWAYS lost her far as I'm concerned she was the heart and soul of Crescent during those years....Do I ever remember Miss Stanley..she was the mean miniskirt ticketer...the ruler was the worst!! Does anybody remember Ellen Zwyckl, Mike Falciani, Mike Priest, Danny Pruetzman, Rick Jacques, Chuck Ricciardi, Greg Peebles? I laughed when I read 'Dave Eastman and Dizon'....oh those were the days. Did anybody have Mr. Lybarger for English or Drama class?? Does Becky Walker, Helen Perez, Mary Randazzo, Janine Bringhurst ring a bell? How about the Aztec Bowling Alley, Buena Park Theatre on Beach Blvd and Chubbyburger on Magnolia and LaPalma? Sambo's was a fun hang out too. Thanks for the's been a great Friday!
Such Memories, I knew many of whom You mentioned Don Mariner & Becky Walker stand out !. Don was a troubled soul may He Rest in Peace at least He was one who didn't get killed or messed up by the Vietnam War ! & Who could forget Becky Walker Tan & Perfect Becky ( Loved Her but She was Out of My Romantic League but a Friend anyway ) . Oddly enough My Favorite Teachers were Mr. Cordell ( Geo ) & Mr. Van Zandt ( Choir ) & Miss Wilkie ( English I believe ) . Had Mr. Keiffer for Reading but I heard He was fired for kicking a student in the face but that is just hearsay as I was in the Navy when I heard about that !. I also remember being close to Mr. Darington Boy's VP ( Board of Education Close .... "OUCH" !.).
DeleteIt appears a few of the comments are from people from the class of 69 as Iam. Yes I remember most of those people and events. I would have to say that there were alot of pretty girls in the class of 69. I remember during gym they had dancing for about 2 weeks,the coach would play 45s and we would choose dance partners - anytime I hear the song ferry cross the mercy it reminds me of that because that was one of the songs they played.
ReplyDeleteBack then there were no gangs, illegal aliens, I dont know if they had free lunch programs but if they did you certinaly wouldnt tell anyone because it was a (chop), after school fights didnt involve guns, being gay ment you were happy. I remember everyone had to watch a film about pot and sonny & cher were the narrators. Yes that was a space in time I will always remember.
This is Rose, I want to connect with more Crescent class of 69 classmates. I grew up in the flower track,hung out regularly with the BP crew. I have known Rocky Zapata, David Armas, Mike Imperially all of my life and reading the above comments brings back many happy memories. My brothers are Jim and Gerry and my sister is named Clair. Email any information to
ReplyDeleteI certainly remember Newberry's at the BP mall, Kinney shoes, Pup n' Taco and of course it's still around at the Rite Aid now....the forever scrumptious Thrifty Drug Ice cream.....great great memories from all....Go Crusaders!
ReplyDeleteMy first job. At Newburys. had. To. Get. Work permit paid. In. Cash ha ha
Deleteyou know what i remember most about crescent jr high was all the bricks!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOnly one guy could be writing about the bricks..must be the same guy that gave me my first kiss (maybe) in the Covered Wagon show at Knotts...
ReplyDeleteWow.. I was trying to look up Crescent and found this. I went there in 63 - 64 - then my folks move to HB.
ReplyDeleteI remember the covered wagons @ Knotts, Retail Clerks, Sambos, Eddie and the Showmen, & Van De Kamps.
Walsh now in FL.
I also graduated from Crescent in 1969 after attending Dysinger elementary (I lived in the Flower streets). Rocky Zapata, Mike Imperiala, David Armas, etc., are names that I haven't heard in ages but I definitely remember them. I also remember walking home from school through the Buena Park Mall and getting a drink at the soda fountain there or perusing the 45 records that were on sale. I still have copies of my Crescent report cards so here are some names of teachers that you might remember.
ReplyDelete1966-1967: Miss Carmical/Mrs. Warren (Spanish), Mendick (PE), Wilkie (English), Sterck (Math), Humphrey (Metals), McCarthy (Wood), Smith (Drafting), Stonebarger (Geography), Badham (Music), Hansen (Art), Elmore (Sex Ed)
1967-1968: Bangert (Spanish), Vanderlind (Science), Stark (Algebra), Keiffer (English), Sewell (US History), Milligan (Wood), Mendick (PE), Elmore (Sex Ed)
1968-1969: Copeland (World History), Stark (Geometry), Mendick (PE), Lewis (Science), Warren (Spanish), Schraeder (English), Panter (Typing)
I played on the 9th grade football team and remember a few of the guys on the team including Greg Brassfield, Randy Suker, and Larry Mortensen. Larry was the QB and I was the tight end. He only threw one pass to me all year but it went for a touchdown so I'll never forget it. I also remember playing in the 2nd annual Pumpkin Bowl which featured 15 junior high teams and the Anaheim high school Bee-JV's. It was an east-vs-west competition where each team played one quarter and we played against Sycamore. I was playing line backer on defense and intercepted one of their passes to stop a drive.
Reading about Burger King, the Crescent Lake, the Van de Kamp windmill, etc., reminded me of things I had long since forgotten.
Thanks for all the memories!
Oh my gosh! This brings back so many memories. I also attended the last year of Crescent Junior High School. Although I wasn't very popular then (Cindy Van Velzer), my older brothers were - anyone remember Tom or Rich Aleksiejczyk? Turns out I eventually married Mr. Ness's oldest son. He's now my ex-father-in-law, but have an 18 year old daughter now (the only grandchild from the family so far). I remember Ms. Petty's class. Making pizza's and just screwing around. And, Mr. Van Zant's music class. What did we learn in there? Oh, I remember now, nothing! All that class was about was the popular kids got to choose what popular songs we would be listening to that day. I learned absolutely nothing about music. Oh, well, it was still a blast! So many memories. I am so glad I stumbled in to this post!
ReplyDelete"Can u take me back where i came from ,can u take me back.Brother can u take me back...."
ReplyDeleteThanks 2 all 4 yer comments&memories.
So many people&places 2 recall!How bout Harmony Park,Hillcrest Park,
Windsor Hall,Debi Carr,first girl i ever frenched kiss!Holder St.Gang!
Wheres Debi Antony?Lani Henderson,i secretly loved u!Blessings 2 all our departed souls!So much 2 talk about!
sincerly yours...Eddie Munoz=)
Wow this is a ride down memory lane. I remember Mr. Nolan, Mr. Proctor and OMG Mrs. Spalding. Mr. Kennedy, his coffee cup and the old Hitler movies. The Burger King, Akron and Big Boy.
ReplyDeletewho is the ITALIAN LADY? I was class of 69.
ReplyDeleteTAKE CARE.
who are you italian lady?? i grew up in the prsidenst track, fillmore circle, was a great child hood and teen years were sooo wild at my house!! am barbie macintyre, of the mac intyre girls, 4 of us.......dee, janet barbie and susan....lets talk!! many memories here, love this blog!!
DeleteI graduated Crescent Jr High in 1978. I lived across the library on La Palma and was sent to Savanna several miles away. Kennedy and Western were closer. However, Savanna was in my area school district. Many of us had to ride the bus form Peak’s Park until we could drive. This motivated me to get a license and work for a car fast. I was transferred to Gilbert High on the same property as Crescent because I had missed too many classes.
ReplyDeleteI graduated one year early (1982) when I was sent to the office after being told I had completed my required credits. I entered the school office and sent to the Principal’s office, I forgot the Principals name and would like to know. Anyway, he opened the right drawer in his desk handed me the cap and gown and he took my picture right then. I was sent to the office so the sectary could make my High School Diploma right there. I drove straight home to show my hardworking single Mother the diploma. She called the office to confirm, gave me hug, congratulated me, and then kicked me out of the house. Talk about having to grow up fast.
I’m grateful for being kicked out and having to ride that stinky bus.
graduating class of 1964. Bob C. Remember bow and scuker days with those big suckers from Knotts.
ReplyDeleteHow about the Tree tract? Anybody from Mango Way? These posts bring back a lot of my memories but I would have attended Crescent from '77 to '80. But I too buy vinyl from Tower and I loved Sambos. Went to Oro Grande and then shipped off of to Dystinker (nothing against the school, just some of the folks that were already students there). Moved to Anaheim after 6th grade and went to Ball JH but I looked forward to attending Crescent.
ReplyDeleteWho remembers the guy building the cement boat in his backyard? It could be seen from Crescent Ave.
Thanks, E
Hi E,
DeleteMango Way? I live there now and basically all my life. (I'm 45) I didn't go to Crescent Jr High it was already closed by the time I was old enough but, my sister went! What's your name?
Who has a annual from 76-78 I lost mine in a house fire and would like to obtain a few pics from them HARRRY BUTLER. Http:// anyone remember Mr. Frethiem ??
ReplyDeleteWent to La Palma Junior High 70-73.
ReplyDeleteI remember the Heinz Hamburger place on Knott. I also remember Curries Ice Cream next to Alpha Beta on the corner of Knott and Cresent. Does anyone remember there being a coffee shop across the street next to the gas station on that same corner?
Ed nussers. Mobile. Use to get cigs. Out. Of machine there. And. Maide right was coffee shop made. Burgers with. Crumbled burger and mustard and. Chuck curry. Was. A. Crack up. memories priceless. ce
DeleteI didn't go to Crecent,but I had some friends that did,I went to elementary with a Phyllis and Janie Samargis, and I have been looking for them.They moved from Long Beach,Ca. to Buena Park back in the 60's,and Phyllis was my best friend,and next door neighbor in Long Beach,I was very grateful to find this post.Any info would be wonderful.EMAIL-MARINE58MOM@AOL.COM
ReplyDeleteJeez. Lots of flashbacks from these posts. I went to Peter Marshall, then Crescent (68-70) then Savanna. Worked in the Steak House at Knotts all through high school. Im in Montana now.
ReplyDeleteCrescent Jr. High were the best years of my life! I was there 76-77-78. Mrs. Mort my favorite of all..Ms. Kelly, Mrs. Christensen,Ms. Kane aagghh great memories...for those of you looking to reconnect...get on Facebook. We have found so many people from back in the day. I lived in the tree track right across the street. Still do. Went to Oro Grande and Savanna graduated 1981.
ReplyDeletethis is janie samargis , who are you , did Phyllis pierce your ears?
ReplyDeleteOh My God....where is everyone? I so want to get in touch with crescent Jr. high people from 67-69 good year. I am in Idaho been here since 81..Janie Samargis is with rocky Zapata in Brea Calif...I would so love to hear from you.. I am ready to enjoy my life please email me..cant wait to reunite!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh ya I have a 25 yr old daughter and a 5yr old grandson..the best!!! Janie's daughter is 26 her son is yr to be! ♥♥♥
I had to say anonymous, but, im Phyllis. (Phee 4 short) please email me any time!
Hey Eddie Munoz where are you ? this is Phyllis Samargis...I had the biggest crush on you in jr high..Sandy Shuey where are you ...phyllis
ReplyDeleteHuh oh...class of what? I went to Dysinger elementary and was able to vote on school colors, mascot (Crusaders of course), and attended Crescent in the first year it opened. I played on the school's first division winning football team in 1964. Coach Shelko, Mendick, all those names that some of you listed brought back memories. I was told that all of our names were posted on the wall of the gymnasium the following year.
ReplyDeleteBob Carter, Manuel Zamarano, Jim Brooklier, Greg & Charlie Almond, Bill Adams, and many more "old timers" were some of the people that I hung around with and later surfed with.
John F. Kennedy was asassinated and I was let out of my government class to go home in '63. A live band started playing "Satisfaction" and the school principal ran over and unplugged their amps. Yep...memories. Lot's of em and I want to thank you all for bringing them back.
Jim McWilliams
I remember Crescent. I lived right by Marshall.
ReplyDeleteI was the fat kid that no one noticed. I remember Mr Bearden and Nate and Nat the twins. Remember the Chicken Pie shop?? I also remember when the built Independace Hall. Thanks for the memories
I lived on Mango across from Crescent, I was a nobody, My fav teacher was Mort. My maided name was Wright. I remember these from my street. Chuck and Dana Harmeyer, Chuck still lives in same house. Rene White, Keith and kerry? they were twins and there sister Donna. Harvey Chavez, Robin and Rose King, Scott and Kim Clover. Mark and Bruce Shockley. Anybody remember "the alley"? the Gebhart girls?
ReplyDeleteWe still are twins and I still live on Mango with grandma. Who are you?
Never mind Lisa. I wasn't thinking, when I asked who are you?
DeleteI lived on Lime Circle. Hi Kerri.
DeleteJust ran across this website by accident and what a treat. I went to Crescent the first year they opened after going to Walker for a year - 62 and 63 then went on to Savanna. So many good memories. When one person mentioned Mr. Cordell I had to laugh. The one thing I can remember about him was how he was always looking down the girls dresses!! I loved walking to school and stopping in at Newberry's with my friends and getting a sweet roll which they would put butter on and then throw it on the grill to warm. And the many days spent on Knott's after going to Sears to get candy or cookies from one of the many bins they offered food from. Wonderful days! No one mentioned the "Bean Hut". It used to be on La Palma right around Lemon Street. Good cheap mexican food and a good hangout in high school. And I can still taste Naughles burritos - the best! Thanks for all the great memories all of you stirred up.
ReplyDeleteI went to Crescent jr. hi in 1973-74 do you remember U drive carts on Lincoln ave.
DeleteHey John, we used to walk to centrailia elementry together with the rest of the gang.
Deletewow, centralia, me too walked there with a gang every day from fillmore circle......who are you?? love all the memorys from this blog....remeber waling to crescent thru the filelds, drinking coffee at sambos, mrs.knott feeding us home made bread after school on the way home or on the weekedns when we would go and hang out that i ran across this page!! thanks fo all the great memorys....lost my year books a very long time ago, where can i go to see them online?? 1969,70,71.....barbie mac intyre, the mac intyre
DeleteI love Crescent Jr High. I went to visit it and it was gone. I had the best memories there. I was a cheerleader there in 1971. I have connected with some on Facebook, but still wonder where everyone went.
ReplyDeleteBeverly Taylor
to Italian Lady....&Phillis Samargis
ReplyDeleteEddie Munoz here...
Lookn 4ward...lets talk
graduated in 70, heard it was leveled, remember no fences at knotts, the wax museum, lived in presidents row, mike quick, phil dixon all 13 of the kramps, havent been back since 76, live in idaho, ms wilkie was a dream of mine
ReplyDeleteLived on Adams way. Also know Mike Quick,the Kramps. Had alot of fun in Buena Park!!
Deleteyu must have graduated with my sisters am thinking....gave janet, my older sis, this website so she can read and remeber all like the wax museam, the mall, thrifty drug, centralia, jumpin over ralph carrillos back fence to get to school instead of walking around some days......remeber the earls? the carrillos?/ becky whittaker? colleen mc cormack? wonder where everyone is now....barbie mac intyre
DeleteMrs. Carrilo was my girl scout leader and. Diane. Trombinos aunt. fun
DeleteLooking for Hillcrest School in Orange built in 1957 -- I am guessing it is an elementary or middle school. Does anybody know if Hillcrest still exists? Or maybe changed its name? This school was designed by Neutra and Alexander, along with Alamitos and Lawrence schools located in Garden Grove, CA
ReplyDeleteI went to Cresent in 1970, I was in 7th grade, my best friends name was Nanette Marie Martin. My boyfriends name was Walter Leroy Lynch the 3rd.I had lots of friends, Tim Kramp, Rod Tully, Ray Florez...we had a blast those days! the Sky was clear, out days were sunny and bright and filled with adventure, trips to Knotts, playing on the beach, school dances! I lived on Jackson way and then later on Monroe, both off Knotts.What was that across from Zodies? A pottery barn? Amazing that we lived in Orange County, ran so free, had so much fun and now warn our kids never to live there! I miss those days...sure was nice reading...I'll check in for more at another time, if you see any of my friends, let them know that I've kept them close in my heart for all my days...Brenda Hill
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, i lived on Adams way. I hung out with Rod,Ray and the Kramps. Seen a couple of pictures of (Bill Grahm)on face book.Good old Crescent jr high. Great to know your still around. Take care Brenda.......Mike B
Deleteanybody remember..the corner at crescent&brookhurst across from the school there was a dairy called yelsie? there were caged monkeys there?
ReplyDeleteBye the way...does anybody know the whereabouts of Dan&John Mccormack,
ReplyDeleteKenny Burkhardt...Peni smith Mike Ricciardi...Debi antony...Marsha hinds....Doyle Brasher...Steve Fisher
Lani Henderson...Dennis Duncan
Brian Neuman Charlie Maggs...Leslie bout that for starters!
yellis dairy cash and carry - monkeys, birds, turtles, ducks, horses, pigs
ReplyDeleteI'm Diane Menke and graduated Crescent in 1971. Everyone should get on Facebook and get reacquainted. I lived in the presidents tract (my parents still live there). I loved those delicious rolls for 5¢ and the sort-of-warm pizzas in the clear wrap. I remember they'd start baking the rolls before lunch and the smell would waft all over the school. The BP Mall was called "the center." It's tragic that Crescent was torn down.
ReplyDeletewow, do i remember your name!! sooo mnay on here that sound so familiar and were at our house on fillmore circle.....even eddie munoz sounds so familiar....sue seager was around too......the mac intyres and the earls, we all hung out, remember getting drunk on thunderbird wine??? oh, god, i do and the next day, ug......wouldnt change it tho!! dam we had a good time!! barbie mac intyre
DeleteEverybody should get on Facebook and join the "Crescent Junior High" group. Then we could all get in contact. P.S.: Beverly Taylor, I remember you but there are too many Beverly Taylors on FB to find you.
ReplyDeleteFind all your old friend on Facebook by joining this group:
This is Jeannie Menke. I went to Crescent in 1968-69. So many great memories of Crescent-- lots of friends and fun. I lived in the presidents tract. Where is my old friend Pat Ingram? She lived in the planetary tract across from the school. Anyone who knew me can find me me on Facebook! or Join the Crescent Junior High Memories group there.
ReplyDeletemy sister went to cresent in the mid 60's. some might remember her, she wore a big back brace
ReplyDeleteCrescent Jr. High School is now on Facebook! Please go to this link
and help post pictures and memories!
Wendy Bell
It has been great reading all of these. Susan S. if you are out there I live in Oregon and would love to connect. I too would love to hear from Rocky, Dave Armas, Mike Imperiali, the Balwin twins, I could go on and on....Mr. Dunn had to be my favorite teacher there and I loved every minute of it!! Join the Facebook Crescent Jr. High Memories as Diane Menke says...I would love to see you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe called him "cool man Dunn" because he was so cool. I think he drank a lot (my mom was a functioning drunk, I could sort of see the signs). One time in his geography class he was teaching us about Iceland and Greenland and their weather. I said something about their names should be reversed... he grabbed a red marker, slashed out their names on the map and changed their names. I wasn't trying to be a smartass, just an observation. I was one of the few paying attention, I dug geography. My sister adored him when she went to Crescent.
DeleteKevin, class of '70
Do you remember the Aligator farm, my god did that ever smell... I went to Dr. Peter Marshall then Crescent and Savanna class of "80". Hey if you remember me you can find me on Facebook. My Mother still lives in our old house in Buena Park.
ReplyDeleteOh no hi terry your brother dave this is all great reading thank you all send me a note
DeleteWow! I've loved reading all the posts about Crescent Jr Hi. Thanks for sharing!! Attended 70-73. I remember so many of the teachers mentioned; my favorites are Mrs. Mort/Fretheim (still in touch with her) and Mr. VanZandt (he chose some of the strangest choral music!). I was on the newspaper and yearbook staff in 9th grade which I loved. One of my poems was chosen for the 1974 yearbook.
ReplyDeleteCrescent was the 1st school I went to after moving from N.Y.I went there the 1st two years it was open from there Savanna,then Kennedy.track&field was one thing I was known for among other things like dancing.ha ha ha,Stan E.
ReplyDeleteI'am not in jail, I talk to Rocky and David every Xmas and New years. They are doing great. The three of us always had each others back. What a great time we all had in school in the sixties. The saying goes if you remember the sixties you were not there. I picked up Mr. Dunn hitch hiking in P.B. he was stoned. Love that guy!
ReplyDeleteJust a few shout outs:
ReplyDeleteHello Italian Lady - so glad we got to reconnect on FB - Will get back to you tonight on FB! Phyl and Janie Samargis - miss you girls and would love to see you - (yes you did pierce my ears with an apple and a needle....omg).....Love my brother Rocky Zapata and of course my dago brother Michael Imperiali....the greatest guys ever! Those were the best days! Please find me on FB - I'm in touch with Rose Urcioli - she's a blessing! Rocky -I want to see your handsome face! Great retort Mike Imperiali! What do they know...Effmmm baby!! Love youz all!
I don't care what jr. high school or high school you attended - if you went to Crescent Jr. High in the mid sixties it was the best AND bar none the Flower Track people and their group of friends were tight! You had to be running with one of them to fit was the most fun years for all of us! We thought we were bad but compared to the kids now a days...we weren't so bad at all! We had fun dance parties and I agree with Mike Imperiali - 'if you remember the 60's, then you were not there.' It was the best! C..ya.....
ReplyDeletewow! just found this site, what fun to read about all the memories
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great Crusaders Memories. I can honestly say that attended Crescent from the day it opened until the day it closed. My mom is Ms. Kane. So I would have been the little blonde often in her shadow.
ReplyDeleteI remember G.A.A., the unbelievable pancake breakfasts, The original pole/tap dances, the trampolines (My mom made sure my kids got a heavy duty one, and yes, they flip!), and so many awesome students who cared for me and watched me while my mom's life revolved around them. She honestly lived and breathed for her students.
I remember her teaching backpack classes, cycling, and other interesting subjects in PE. Boy was I surprised when I got to junior high and learned that all schools didn't teach like she did.
She was heartbroken when the district decided to close the junior highs who didn't have gyms when the enrollment was way done. They would kill to have those schools back again! After Crescent she transferred to South JH in East Anaheim. While she still gave her students her all, there was nothing ever again like the years she spent with all of you and the Crusaders.
And to the Italian Lady, Ms. Kane spends time in Southern Oregon every year since that's where I landed with her grandkids.
Thank you everyone, you made my day.
Vicki Kane Risner
She even tried to teach US BOYS How to DANCE ! , What a Challenge !.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have a picture of Crescent Jr High School?
ReplyDeleteKevin Peralta 1976
Mary Somerfield said......I started at Crescent in 1962 and graduated in 1963. I lived on ElRey Drive off of La Palma Ave 2 blocks from Knotts' Berry Farm. I had a younger sister Peggie Somerfield who graduated in 1964. Favorite teachers were DiCarlo and Mrs Kane. We said the Pledge of Allegiance in 1st Period and occassionally had Hydrogen Bomb drills where we folded ourselves under our desk. I was a 6' blue-eyed blonde and loved the sun and the beach. It was safe to hitch hike with friends down Hwy 39 to Huntington Beach.
ReplyDeleteThe Covered Wagon Circle at Knott's was a fun place and ditching school there was easy since there was no fence! LOL I had teachers DiCarlo and Kane. Yes I remember Retail Hall and Dick Dale and the Del Tones. I remember Gary Bushong for the person that asked earlier in the comments. My best friends were Maureen Ross, Carole Blankenship, Katie White and Mary Lou Mooney. A memory I'll never forget were the sort of "loose" girls who showed off all there hickies from the neck on down! This is the 4th time I've written a comment and 3 times it has not posted. It better this time or I quit and will just go to Facebook. In memory of my sister, Peggie who was a victim of domestic violence by her husband Jerry Devich in 1971. Please say a prayer for her yet. We miss her still.
Long live the memory of Crescent Jr. High
I have tried to post a comment 5 times with no success.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 1964 graduate of Crescent. If I get this much posted I'll try for more.
My name is Mary Somerfield. Friends are Maureen Ross, Carole Blankenship, Katie White and Mary Lou Mooney.
Please email me at
I was one of the last year to graduate from Crescent Jr High and most of us went to Peter Marshall grade school and then onto Savanna High School. Go Crusaders. Go Rebels...
ReplyDeleteI moved from the projects of Chicago to BP in 1966. Graduated Crescent in 1967. The move was definately a "cultural shock". I remember Debbie Elkins and Gayle Gurke in classes. Also attended class with Danni Sewell, Mr. Sewell's daughter. Took Algebra I and in all my 30 years working in aviation, used algebra once. Took typing class because the football coach taught it. We would get out of class early to go to practice. Played 1st base on the baseball team also.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone know Mark Brown who went to Cresent Jr. High in 1971 and may have been there through 1973? I often wonder what happened to him?
ReplyDeleteI attended crescent jr high for 9th grade in 1966, then went on to western hi class of 1969. Great days and memories, i remember cruising before school with John (parents owned car lot) who was 14 and looked 18 driving a borrowed car from his parents stash. David Ortiz
ReplyDeleteHey Dave Ortiz...Eddie munoz drop a line brother!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a walk down memory lane. I Pat LaCross a lot of you remember me a Don LaCross. I went to Oro Grande. Where I had a crush on Vicky Foster, and Debbie Coughlin. (yeah I got over it) My first job was at Sambos. I was 15. I also worked at the Burger King. I went to Savanna High and graduated in 1971. those were great times. Wish I had them to do over where did the years go. God Bless You all.
ReplyDeleteI was at Crescent for one year after moving from Dale Jr High district. I do remember that the football team sucked that year in 1974/75. The were pretty bad. Lost just about every game if my memory is correct. I loved the metal shop, drafting and wood shop.
ReplyDeleteCliff Bronson Class of 75
I was a student at Crescent -- 7th grade through 9th grade, 1970 through 1973. I hated seventh grade (I had Mr. Radcliffe for Geography, but mainly what he taught was useless homilies and John Birch politics), but eight grade and ninth were okay. Seventh grade was made livable by Miss Victorson for English class. Later, we had drama class with Mr. Lybarger and English with Miss Suzy Soczeck. I had typing class with Mr. Pintar (?) Had secret crushes on many boys in gym class, with Ed Mendick (!) as our instructor. Also remember Mr. Svejla (sp?) as a French teacher.
ReplyDeleteHey, Randy, good to see you on here. As I was reading posts and trying to remember people's names I discovered that yours was one of the few that came to mind. Strange because we didn't really know each other all that well. We were in the Speech Club together and I remember being amazed at your ability to do the "Impromptu" category where you got 5 minutes to make up your speech! I have fond memories of Miss Victorson, too. She made Jr. High bearable.
DeleteAnyone remember Ms. Mort and a science teacher "courting" each other and then getting married? They'd use kids to send notes to each other during class.
And what was the name of the math teacher that was always drunk? ONe of the kids locked him in his closet one day. That guy messed me up for math forever after.
I loved Ms. Spaulding, too--especially her handwriting. I spent all of boring English in 8th grade copying the way she wrote things on the board. I still write like she did!
Trisha Whitney, Oro Grande then Crescent in 71-73, then Savanna
If Alan Schwartz, Brian Marshall, Brad Johnson, Matt Huggins, Bobby Smock, Niel Hein are still around...hello! I remember and miss you all.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the delicious rolls they would serve at lunch? The whole school would line up to buy them!!! Does anyone have the recipe?
ReplyDeleteI remember the five cent rolls.... awesome! I worked in the cafeteria. Got kicked out of one class for some perceived violation and ended up working (!) with those ladies. I became one of the girls almost. Hated working the windows selling stuff and making change. Pretty decent cook nowadays, do catering on the side sometimes. Could probably figure out how to make the rolls if you are serious about wanting to try. Let me know.
DeleteKevin, class of '70
I don't remember any rolls. I just remember my love for the whole school and my teachers. And, of course, all my good friends
ReplyDeleteI remember being weighed and measured in PE. I was 6' tall and of course weighed more than the small girls and when they yelled out everyone's height and weight I was mortified. I only weighed 146 lbs on a 6' frame - very skinny but just the numbers! I graduated in 1963.
ReplyDeleteDose anybody know where Cindy Carr Could Be? We went to crescent jr. high in 72, I really like that school it had spirit,has anybody seen the centrails elem school now.Can't see it from Lincoln ave,anymore.I'm Happy it's still there but it dosen't look the same.I live off of monroe st,back then.
ReplyDeleteHello all,
ReplyDeleteI was just curious about the local schools in OC and came across this blog which I found very interesting. I'm a Western HS graduate C/O 99, I went to Orange view Jr high which I hated, it was the worst 2 years of my life. Reading your posts makes me wonder what kind of experience I wouldve had if Crescent Jr remained open. Great reads, thanks for sharing your wonderful stories.
By the way, the Burger King, before it was torn down, is where the movie "Clerks 2" was filmed. I tried to take a peek to see if I would be able to see Ben Afleck, Kevin Smith or the beautiful Rosario Dawson. Thought you guys would like to know a little fun fact about that Burger King.
I had the Honor of going to Crescent for 7th & 8th Grade & Orangeview in 9th Grade , They were both great for Me in Their Own Way , It was what You made of It. The only school I had a read hard time in was Loara HS I had to go there because We moved out of Western's Boundrys & into it's boundrys, Crappy time there & quit to join the Navy in My Jr Year & finished up HS in the Navy !. Favorite Teachers at Orangeview were Mr. Holloway ( Journalism , School Newspaper & Yearbook ), Miss Gannaway & Miss Koslowski / Mrs. Gonzalas ( English ) Mrs. "G" even came to My Wedding in "72".
DeleteRemember jungle island?
ReplyDeleteYes,, check out the Jungle Island Facebook page!
DeleteI do remember Crescent!Iguess I went there till 63. Then wentto Savanna till graduating in 67.Its been so long but the memories are still there! ILived on Cyclamen Way and had to walk thru the mall and thru the walkway at the back of the mall toget toschool every morning.Imiss those days and its sad to think its gone! some ofthe best days of my life were spent living in Buena Park!Does anyone remember Sambo just down the street on Beach Blvd.? and the 10 cent cupof coffee (free refills!)&sittingat the counter all night with freinds!I,ve lived In alittle towncalled Winchester Ind for nearly 40yrs now but Ihave somany happy memories of those times and that school!
ReplyDeleteEddie Munoz,you probably don't remember me after all these yrs.,but Kenny Burkardt was anold freind I've often wondered about too! Remember the yellow Cuda Kenny had in the late 60's? Do you remember Alan Huffington? Al was myfirst best freind there's a lot of other people who's names I can't recall'but good freinds just the same! If you Don'tremember,that's cool! But If you do drop aline .It's always good tohear fromold freinds!
ReplyDeleteI sure do remember Jungle Island! The "Woodimal" wooden alligator that kids would sit on and as they lifted its mouth and would shoot out a stream of water-we would also play in the wooded undeveloped area with "No Trespassing" signs next to Jungle Island and hide from the security guards who would try to catch us. Remember Knott's Rhubarb field on Stanton where Soak City is?
ReplyDeleteThanks to this site, I just received a nice email from Coach Shelko who retired nine years ago. My favorite coach and a great science teacher. What a surprise after more than forty years.
ReplyDeleteJim McWilliams -
Janie Samargis; could only be one of you.....are you checking the comments? hope so, would like to chat with you after all this time...Shirley Tolman ..ok to email to Phyllis?
ReplyDeleteI am sitting at work as I was taking a break to google "Retail Clerks Hall in Buena Park" to find some of the old bands that used to play there, and somehow I latched onto this!!! I used to live on Cyclamen way with Charlie and Belinda Maggs on the same street. Charly and I went to Viet-Nam and both made it back. We hung out for quite a while after and then I lost track of all of the Maggs'. I played in a number of bands and one of those at Crescent was called "The House of Sound" with Frank and Dave Krajenbring, Jim Jakeway (sounded a lot like Mick Jagger), yours truly(Rene Macare). Jim unfortunately took his own life after returning from Viet-Nam, God rest his soul...I also played with a band of Seniors at some of the Assemblies including Mike Kemper, Dave Duvall, can'remember the others but I know that Crescent was a great experience and the people there were the best ever. Stanley Dunn and I became pretty good buds for a while and then I lost track of him. I remember coming into his class and he would say his famous " OK gang were going to watch a movie" and he would crash at the back of the room! When it came to grades at the end of the year he would ask " OK big boy what grade do you think you deserve in this class ?", he was a one of a kind! This blog has been a fantastic trip down memory lane for me, thanks all who contributed and hope you are all doing well. If any of the named persons in this blog catch this and want to communicate,please shoot me an email I would love to catch up with you!
Hi all... Rick McGuire here. I attended Crescent Jr. high from 65 to 67...went on to Western High and graduated in 1970. Crescent has lots of memories for me and some that just won't go away. My home is on the site of the old junior high... right about where the gym was. Some of the people that I knew or met back then really made an impact on me. Ms. Wilke... she was my english teacher. I was in her class in 7th and 8th grades. She was a great lady!
ReplyDeleteI was a nerd (still am according to my wife). Even so, one of the cheerleaders was really nice to me and I never forgot it... her name was Cathy English. Thanks much, Cathy..where ever you are.
I grew up in the "Santa" tract on the west side of Knotts and my sister and I would walk thru Knotts to and from school each day.
I was also a band geek. Started with Mr. Gunderson (he moved on to teach at Cal State Fullerton, then back to Savanah, I think), then Mr. Badham. Mr. Badham was a funny guy... i liked him alot.
It's been great fun reading thru all of the posts here. Ya'll be good.
Wasn't Tom Herbacek the band teacher at Western in 1970 ? & did You know Jon Fiedler ?
DeleteMike falciani died of a heart qttack a few years back. What a fox.
ReplyDeleteI attended Crescent from 77-79 before they closed it down and then sent me to our rival school Brookhurst. That sucked! I went to Peter Marshall and graduated Savanna in 83.
ReplyDeleteWho remembers the air raid sirens that they would test once a month at Crescent?
Dances at Crescent were so much fun! This was the time of disco and the Bee Gees. Saturday Night Fever! After school dances we would hop the fence and go to Burger King. Friday and Saturday nights we would go to Knotts and go dancing at the Eatery or Cloud 9. We never had to pay. We just climbed the fence.
I still live in OC and drive through Buena Park often. It has changed ALOT! Who remembers Zody's, the Buena Park Mall when it was an open mall with big boulders, May Co., ditto's, chemin de fer jeans, OP shorts and riding the bus to HB via Magnolia Blvd? Oh and let's not forget tanning with baby oil! Yikes.
Great memories!! Makes me a little sad when I drive by and it's gone.
Vicki Kane Risner,
ReplyDeleteYour mom was my FAVORITE teacher! I still think about her to this day. My fondest memories are gymnastics to Chuck Mangione's "Feels So Good" and of course self defense classes! She taught us how to kick some butt!! She was so awesome and I will never forget her! She was a kick ass lady!!
As we get older the teachers we remember most are the ones like your mother...Very special :-)
Why isn't there a facebook page listed under Crescent Jr. High, Buena Park?
ReplyDeleteThere is!
ReplyDeleteI graduated from Crescent in 1966 - had 2 sisters before me, and a sister and 2 brothers graduate afterwards. Both brothers played football for Crescent and Savanna. We lived (dad and a brother still do) in the Flower Tract.
So many memories - walking from the flower tract, through the mall and the opening in the back wall to get to school. Stopping at Newberry's after school, or stopping at Thriftimart (the grocery store) afterwards.
Spending weekend days at Knotts, because it was free; being in PE with Mrs Kane when we heard about President Kennedy.
For whoever mentioned him, Mr. Shelko is retired now (I have his email address somewhere!). Being part of the Crescenettes when I was in 7th grade, and going over to Dysinger to sing for the kiddies!
Whenever I hear the UCLA fight song, I think about Crescent - because that's the tune they used.
Can't remember all the words, but. . . .
"Onward upward fight for Crescent
We will win you'll see. . . .rah, rah rah
Let's all cheer Maroon and Silver
let our banners fly. . . .
to victory we go,
as we down the foe
We're from
Crescent Junior High"
(I still have my year books from there).
I always wondered what happened to the time capsule that was buried in the center quad; and I definitely remember those rolls they used to sell.
The only bad memory would be of the one geography teacher (can't remember his name Mr. Radcliff?); everyone had to make a globe of the world in his class. The football coach (what was his name?) was my typing teacher. . .
Aztec Bowl - is now a Pirate dinner show
ReplyDeleteMovieland Wax museum is closed
Chubby Burger is now a church (on that site anyway)
Sambo's is now a Walgreens
they took out Henry's livery from knotts(corner of Crescent and Beach)
Buena Park Theater is now a skateboard shop
the A&W that was at Crewcent and magnolia (next to Magnolia Drugs and Colima market) is now an El Patio Mexican restaurant (not too bad either)
Colima market is now a Mexican market
Food Giant (at the corner of Dale and La Palma) is now an Albertsons
all the strawberry fields that were along La Palma are now stores (Kohls, Toys'r'US, Michaels, etc), the orange groves that were down on Dale is now a park; you can no long take Dale to get to Orangethorpe - it ends at the 91 Freeway; Buena Park Mall is now called Downtown Buena Park (or something like that)and the only original store still there is Sears.
the Shell station that used to be at Stanton and La Palma is now a Fatburger; and the strip mall that was on the other side of the GoodYear store, is now parking for Knotts; Part of the field next to Dysinger now has homes on it (and they didn't even name the streets flowers/plants like the rest of the tract!!)
Someone already mentioned that Burger King is no longer there; the Shakeys back on Lincoln (near Dale) is also gone - it's now storage and a gold store);
I remember hearing, years after they tore Crescent down, that they shouldn't have because they needed more jr. hi's by that time (probably 10 years after it was torn down).
I graduated from Crescent in 1966; Alison Holt and I were responsible for having the "Dick Biondi Road Show" come to Crescent.
ReplyDeleteI remember the time capsule being buried in the quad; and the rolls they used to sell at lunch time.
I was part of the Crescenettes during 7th grade (couldn't sing a note now if my life depended on it).
Walking through the mall to get to school, and stopping at Newberry's after school; or stopping at the Thriftimart that was in the back parking lot. I remember the Buena Park Mall being open air, and closed on Sundays; getting "concert tickets at Wallachs Music City, getting karmel corn at the Karmel Korn in the mall; hanging out with friends at Knotts, because it was free to get in!
The old Crescent fight song - song to the tune of the UCLA fight song: not sure of all the words, but. ..
Onward, Upward fight for Crescent, we will win you'll see. Let's all cheer Maroon and Silver, let our banners fly!
To victory we go and we down the foe, we're from Crescent Jr high!
Hey Bekkie, Sharon here from same class(past cheerleader). Same memories. Wonder what ever happened to that time capsule... do you know? Yes, I remember that Crescent fight song.
DeleteThanks for the great memories!
Hello, Everyone!!
ReplyDeleteI also went to Crescent JH. I can't remember something. Maybe someone can help me. Did John Spenkelink, who was executed in Florida in the early 70's attend Crescent JH? He did attend junior high school in Buena Park. Does anyone know if he did and what years he attended?
mike ralls do you rember ron liebrecht thats my uncle i would hear stories about your adventures by preston liebrecht all so went to oro grande elementary 70 thru 74 lived on linden cir
ReplyDeleteYes I remember Ronny in fact I have been looking for him thru Mylife ,Classmates ,and face book.I do hope Ronny is still alive and well,we had a lot of good times ,and some crazy ones too with Ronny & me and Mike & Ricky Smith Dee Dee mcyntyre & her sister.I'd really love to hear from Ronny again.
DeleteHello Crusaders. Tom Meiss here. I am now 70 and living in Orange Ca, I was just 23 in 1963 when I moved to California from Illinois, Cresent was my first teaching job, I taught in one those Quanset bungalos, I then moved into the PE department with Mr Mendick. Dick Shelko and I were Bob Panter's assistant football coaches. I have some old 8 MM movies of those days I would like to give to someone who was there in 63 64 65.
ReplyDeleteI went from there to Brookhurst and then to Savanna. At Cresent I had a great Tennis team, Phil Hendershot, Jim Saub and others. We had some great athletes, Andy Belanski, Bob Donahue, Jim Uland, John Brooklier and Jack Bergman (who is about the only one I still have contact with,)
My email is if you care to give me a shout out. God Bless you all. TM
Hey, 'Coach Meiss'! Doubt you'll see this...I was one of your minnions on the Savanna football team ('70 thru 72')and I had to snap the ball to Steve DeBerg without a jock on one time in practice...and we think his 'big memmories' are from the NFL... You told me once, on a return I made to the school after graduation (some reunion thing) that you'd saved the letter I wrote as part of pre-season conditioning/practice for football - something we all had to do as to why we wanted to play football -- because it was 'special'... I also got an A from you in your 'Creative writing/English' course when I was a senior! Well, couldn't snap the ball too well to Steve, but at least I could write... All for not; became an airplane pilot... Oh Well.
DeleteAll my best to everyone.
Oh, and Rocky Zapata and Mike Smith were two of the best guys I've ever met.
All I remember about Randy Suker, Larry Mortensen, Greg Brassfield (et al) was "HURTS ME"...
Hello Mr Meiss,
DeleteYou probably don't remember me, I had you for a class at Crescent in a Quanset hut. It was a Humanities class, can't quite remember the question, but when we went around the class I said I was born in Bishop Ca and you asked me if I was born on a reservation, never forgot.
Wendy Rutherford - now Wendy Edmisten
anonymous cindy Van Velzer (ness) who was your mother? and where is tom and rich now days
ReplyDeleteJust saw this reply. My brother Tom lives in CA still and my brother Rich is living up to his nickname (Byrd, I was always told it was short for jailbird) and not sure where he is now.
DeleteStumbled across this site when I was searching for another topic. Such great memories of Cresent Jr. High, etc., Cresent had the best dances. @ Charles Von Olinger - yes, I also remember walking through the strawberry field from Dysinger....but after kindergarten attended St.Pius V. I also lived in the flower tract (Begonia Circle) for many years.... :o)
ReplyDeleteI am a Planet tracker and went to Crescent from 9/64 to 6/67. I remember we put a time capsule in the ground in the middle of the quad. When the school was demolished, I inquired about the company that did the work. Nobody seemed to know anything and I didn't have time to spend doing anymore research. Anyone know anything about the time capsule?
ReplyDeleteMy Fiance did frame work on those houses when they were first built where Crescent Jr High used to be. Maybe he knows!
DeleteLook on Facebook for Crescent Jr. High School but I believe they say it was in Anaheim. My name is Mary Somerfield and I went to Crescent in the 8th and 9th grade graduating in 1963 then on to Savanna for one year and then to JF Kennedy for my last 2 years of High School graduating in 1966. I hope you find the Crescent Jr. High School webpage. We have over 400 members. The page was started by Craig Creekmore.
ReplyDeleteThis is to the one who asked about John Lybarger. I owe him my life frankly. We're it not for him I wouldn't be here today, 44 years after I graduated. I dedicated my book to him. If you want to know more, go to and email me brought my website.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on these posts after doing a search on Oro Grande Elementary School. Some great memories! Oro Grande, Dysinger, Crescent '77-'78, off to La Palma for a year '79 and then to Savanna. Anybody remember those paddle boats, burro rides and Henry’s Auto Livery cars at Knott's? I grew up across the street from Crescent on Lemon Circle. I haven’t thought about some of these places for 30 years. I remember I had a buddy (Jimmy Hoy) who was in an afterschool fight at Retail Clerks (LOL). Do you guys remember how Mr. Radcliff would start off his class by saying something like “A” and “B” students have there books out and have begun their work, and C-D-F students… , or how his class faced the front of the school and that semi-circle lane in front of the school. Ex- students would race their cars past his class and Mr. Radcliff would just freak out. (LOL) Good Times!
ReplyDeleteDavid S.
I stumbled upon this site by accident. I went to Dr. Peter Marshall Elementry School 59-60, at Magnolia&Cresent. Went to Brookhurst Jr. High 60-62. Savanna H.S. Grad. 1966. Lived by Magnolia & La Palma. Anyone remember Hal Greggs Steak House.
ReplyDeleteI grew up on Carnation Drive, went to Mel Gauer through 5th and then Dysinger for 6th. I remember selling newspapers at the mall near the Copper Penny in about 1963. I moved up to Sacramento in 1965.
ReplyDeleteCal B.
Are you the Cindy that hung around Angie and Elaine Rier?
ReplyDeleteTo the person who said they knew Ronny Liebrecht or anyone else who knows him ,I would really like to find him,he was a really good friend and we had some really good times.I,d really like to know what became of Ronny and how he,s doing.sometimes it,s fun just looking back,you know?
ReplyDeleteProbably late and redundant, but I recall the "Crescent Crusaders" --I went to Trident Jr Hi ('74grad) which is no longer a functioning Jr Hi, but still stands as a community center. We played Crescent in football and I think Crescent stunk almost as bad as we did (ha!), but fun memories. I can almost picture one of those "Cream the Crusaders" spirit badges (or whatever that called those pin-on things that you wore to games.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a blast from the past, to see all these names brought up here in these postings. Most or all from classes ahead of mine at Crescent. Janet Heyendahl lived close to me as well as Don Mariner (Presidential Streets) and Sue Seger. I attended 68,69,70. The most hilarious memory I have of Crescent is of Sue Seger (2 years ahead of me) and at least 2 other classmates making dresses to match the old lady below the knee style that Miss Stanley wore, right down to the same fabric and pattern that she always wore that particular day of the week. They showed up at school looking like Miss Stanley and caused a huge sensation when they arrived. I remember teachers even laughing at the spectacle of those girls dressed as the "ruler nazi". They got suspended or kicked out of school at least long enough to change. I looked up to Sue Seger every time I saw her after that. That was a gutsy statement for the times.
ReplyDeleteKevin, class of '70
i grew up on the presidents, fillmore circle, rmemeber the MACINTYRE girls? there was 4 of us, dee dee, janet, barbie and sue, dee saidly to say, passed in 1999, she was my oldest sis, loved the time we all grew up in, all the straberry fields, riding mini bikes, playin tag and hide an seek on our circle, getting sent home from crescent because our skirts were to shsort, ditchin school, going to pier 17 at newport beach, hangin out at jungle island, the go cart track, aztec bowling alley where my parnets were in a league, crawling out the bedroom window to go to a party!! and the list goes on and on....who are you?? we should know each other since we are both from the presidents....BARB MAC
DeleteI'm Chris Ruud.If you went to Crescent, there is a facebook page called Crescent Jr High School's home page, join it the more crusaders the better. I went to Dysinger then Crescent "67-69, I was in the band, all these years gone by. Now you can see me on you tube, Lonesome Otis is the band, it's bluegrass. My friends, Larry Myers, David Fennel, Ceasar Rodriguez( RIP Ceasar) Gina Barless.I dropped out, but went back to school in 1999 and got a high school deploma, that was not easy!
ReplyDeletefacebook has a Crescent jr high page with lots of members, check it out
ReplyDeleteI grew up in Buena Park Went to Dysinger Ele. Cresent Jr.High Savanna High Graduated in 71. It's been a few years. Played at Knott's seal pound and Jungle Island Never regretted growing up there was a blast.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad my friend Bonnie told me about this site. I graduated in 62 and 9th grade at Crescent was the most memorable year of my life. My friends and I burned rubber down the halls in her boyfriends car on a Saturday night and when Monday rolled around the staff was scratching their head .....what happened.....? I know you are could you do that, not old enough to drive!!! The boyfriend loaned us the car and we sat on books to see out the window and reach the brakes. Hello to Steve Peterson, Gloria Patino, Donna, Gibby and Yvonne, Beverly Brown, and all the girls.
ReplyDeleteI grew up on Crescent Ave and went to Crescent 78-79 for 7th grade. It was closed due to Prop. 13. Too bad I did love that school and hated going to Dale Jr High But loved Savanna for 4 yrs!
ReplyDeleteGary Koetter, Joe Wyckstandt, Bill Soules, Gary Bushong...where R U???
ReplyDeleteSteven G
Attended Oro Grande from 1966-72 K-5th. Would have gone to Crescent and Savanna, but we moved to Michigan. Lived on Larch Cir. and my best friend was Denny Alexander. His mom and dad were older and great people. Had a terrible crush on Georgianne McConnell and she used to kick my shins when I would talk to her.
ReplyDeleteUsed to hang out on Jungle Island and on the boulders at the mall.
Dave K.
funny to read all these posts. It was my family's orange grove until the school district took it. It's now residential, condos I think
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of pages on Facebook that you can go to where you will see old pic's and people from Crescent Jr. High! I went all three years and then onto Western High. Check this out...
ReplyDeleteCrescent Jr. High School
and also...
Crescent Jr. High Memories
And you might like to visit
Buena Park
See ya there!~
My friends and I also hitch hiked down Hwy 39, Beach Blvd and never had any worries! We even wore bikinis and tennies