Friday, April 24, 2009

Chinchilla Farm in Garden Grove

Anonymous asks if anyone remembers the chinchilla farm in what appears to be Garden Grove...

Does anybody remember the chinchilla farm located on chapman ave, between magnolia and gilbert.I walked back to the cages to check them out when I was a kid ( punk ).


  1. i dont remeber that one, but there was McCandalass Feed in SA, that sold chinches as well. one was the store pet, named Lisa, and i was always hoping to buy her one day. well, the day came, and i went home with my dad, with our load of seed for the avairy, to get her new home ready, and my mom came out with horrific news....the feed store was on fire. and the radio people were close enough that the screaming of the poor chinches could clearly be heard...then only the sound of the fire.

    i've never forgotten that horrible day...


  2. I remember the chinchilla farm. I grew up @ Lampson & Magnolia and passed it on the way to the Plaza so the location sounds just about right

  3. I remember them, it was called McCandless Chinchilla Ranch, i grew up on Loraleen St. right next door (1960 thru 1979). As a kid we used to go over and throw dirt clods at the worker who used to plow the dirt field on his tractor as well (kids...go figure) almost got caught once, never did that again.

  4. Hey, I grew up on Loraleen St next to the chinchilla farm too. There were chicken coops behind there where we used to have egg fights all the time.

  5. The first 3 houses on the left belonged to the Dufaults, Landbergs, and Butterfields in the 60's as I remember. Right behind them were a few apartments and behind them was the chinchilla farm or ranch. :o)

  6. gasp!! is it still there? i want a chinchilla! and its so close to me!!

  7. I remember when I went to Gilbert School in Garden Grove in the early 70's that one of my classmates, Robert, brought a chinchilla to school. His father was getting into chinchilla raising and thought he would make quite a bit of money doing it. I remember my grandparents and the other parents of my friends being very skeptical and rather cat-y about whether or not there was big money in chinchillas. I wonder if this is the same family of chinchilla people as the farm? How many chinchilla outfits could there have been in Garden Grove back then? lol!!

    1. I also went to Gilbert. fourth through sixth grade. started in 1972. Was in the MGM classes.


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